Tips to Lower Your Utility Bill

Tips to Lower Your Utility Bill

Jun 27, 2022

Tips to Lower Your Utility Bill

No one likes to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on utility bills each month. But, unfortunately these are bills that homeowners and renters must pay to use certain utilities. To try and make your life and your finances easier to manage, here are some tips on how to save some extra money each month on utilities.

Water running.

Water Bill

We, as human beings, use a lot of water each day, probably without realizing it. Here are some ways to lower your water bill and spend less money each month on this utility.

  • Check for water leaks - this is a very common way for your water bill to be much higher than it needs to be. A typical home can lose up to 20,000 gallons of water per year due to leaks. To ensure you aren't experiencing a leak, you can use your water meter to check for any leaks in your home. To do this, turn off all water in your home and then record the meter's reading. Do not use the water for at least 15 minutes and then check the meter reading again. If the reading has gone up, you likely have a leak. Dripping faucets can also add up and increase your water bill.
  • Running water - when you are doing dishes, brushing your teeth, or washing fruits and vegetables, fill the sink with water rather than letting the water run. You will notice a change in your water bill if you start getting into this habit.
  • Showerhead issues - showerheads are big culprits of high water bills. Consider purchasing a water-efficient showerhead that will help you reduce water costs but won't leave you with just a trickle of water.
  • Take shorter showers - we all enjoy a nice, long shower but this can cause your water bill to be high. Start taking shorter showers (no more than 5 minutes) to start noticing a change in your water bill.


Heating and Cooling

Heat and air conditioning can feel like a necessity during the middle of the summer and the dead of winter. Unfortunately, running these utilities can cause your electricity bill to spike up. Here are some ways to lower your bill when you need these utilities the most.

  • Programmable thermostat - these thermostats allow you to change the temperature of your house at nighttime or when you are not at home. For every degree you lower your thermostat, you will save around 3 percent of your bill.
  • Change your air filter - clean filters save you money because they are more efficient and use less energy than dirty ones.
  • Seal gaps around doors and windows - sealing the gaps around your home will help your house retain heat better in the winter and keep things cooler in the summer. Also, ensure that your home is properly insulated to prevent air from escaping or drafts to enter the home.

Light bulbs.


Electricity bills can make or break your monthly utility budget. Fortunately for homeowners, there are easy ways to save on electricity and lower your monthly bill.

  • Energy-efficient lightbulbs - these type of bulbs are initially more expensive, but they will save you money over time. Always go with a lower wattage bulb as they cost less than higher watt light bulbs.
  • Turn off everything - be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room, unplug electronics when you are not using them or when they are done charging, and unplug all appliances when they are not in use. When you leave devices plugged in, phantom energy takes affect and can cause your electricity bill to rise.
  • Efficient dryers - dryers use up a lot of energy. Make sure your dryer filter is clean and that the room that the dryer is located in has plenty of circulation. Your clothes will dry faster and you will also save money.
  • Optimal fridge and freezer temperatures - you may not realize, but keeping your fridge and freezer too cold can not only be detrimental to your food, but can cause your electricity bill to go up. To help minimize the costs of these appliances, set your fridge to 38 degrees and freezer to 5 degrees for optimal savings.

Energy Audit

Consider asking your utility company to perform an energy audit on your home to help you find ways to conserve energy and save money. Your utility company will often employ auditors who will come to your home and give you tips on how to save money based on your current utility bills and spending pattern.

Reducing your utility bills can make a big difference in your monthly budget. Contact AnnieMac Home Mortgage today to discuss how refinancing your home can reduce your monthly payment and save you more money!